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  • Writer's pictureKari Giordano

Topic 2 - Now Loading

In terms of the work I have been doing with phototaxis, an expanding present is explored by the use of collaging insects that I have captured through time in the same location. Same door, same light, same evening...just insects caught resting on the glass at different moments.

These photos interface with my broader research about all living things moving toward light or away from it by the very fact that that is precisely what the subjects are doing. My hope is to connect these ideas to people and show how we are flawed in our motivations. Thinking specifically about teenagers, and their eagerness to progress, to move forward, often times without a true understanding of what they are looking to gain, I hope to find instances of people in transition, emotionally or physically. I am also interested in showing the hidden environment of the subject as seen in the shot below.

Here, the environment is being lit by an external flash, becoming a bit more intrusive in the frame. Just as the fragments on the door where the insects rest become almost galactic, the pollen and bugs do the same for the jumping child.

I often struggle with color vs. black and white as a temporal bias. My thinking has always been if color isn't lending itself to a digital photograph, try BW, but the immediate connection to analog or the past comes through pretty strong for me. It is something I feel as though more experience will be revelatory.

From the toolbox...

I played with force and attempted to consider an extension of the lens by way of a pair of binoculars. Sandwiching them together, I created a planet-like composition with textures from my own backyard.

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