New England and the Berkshires
We live in New England - the northeast corner of the United States of America.
Native Americans were the first people to live in the land called New England. The Mahican tribe first lived along the Hudson River and hunted in the Berkshire Hills of Massachusetts. After fighting other tribes, they were forced to live only in the Berkshires.
Northeastern U.S.A is named New England because English settlers arrived here in large numbers.
The average temperature in the summer is 70 degrees F, 21 C.
In the winter is is sometimes 20 degrees F, -7 C
One of the most famous crops in New England is Maple Syrup!
The closest big cities are Boston and New York City.
The Pine Tree has been a symbol for New England for many centuries. One of the most powerful Native American tribes, who lived here long before settlers were called Penacook. This is an Algonquin word for "children of the Pine tree".